Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Want to Go Home

This is Mariah's account of our Sunday morning church experience. We visited a new church...

I woke up and watched tv and then I ate breakfast and got dressed. Then we went to church and I fell down on the snow and it tickled a lot. When I got into church I was REALLY good. Sometimes I was good and sometimes I was bad. I listened to the music. My sister was in her class with her teacher and her friends reading books and playing with her friends. I wanted to go to class but I couldn't (there was no class because of the holidays). The other kids went on stage to sing and I couldn't and I was REALLY mad, but mom gave me gum and then I was good. Then we went home and I had hot chocolate.

The end.


  1. Oh my love bug, one day you'll be on that stage, right where you belong, singing and dancing and shakin' your money maker...

  2. I went to a new church today, too. Hot chocolate sounds delicious.
