Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Drew A Picture About Halloween

The picture reads: "We went trick-or-treating and got lots of candy before it started to rain. Daddy didn't dress up. Mommy as a ballerina. I'm a ballerina chewing gum. Ambria is a princess chewing gum."

Mom's note: Dad did dress up with a U of M football jersey and I was a flower, not a ballerina--couldn't Mariah tell with my flower headband, pink boa, and funny skirt? :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Got An Award at School

I got an award at my new school for perfect attendance. Mom, dad, and Ambria came to see me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Riding Our Barbie Jeep

The hills make the jeep go really fast but sometimes we get stuck going back up the hills and mom has to push us.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Won!!

Mom entered my name in a drawing at Fazoli's last night and I got a phone call today saying that I won!! I am so excited. Now I am really ready for kindergarten!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Starting to Get Ready for Kindergarten

I got my hair cut today and my mom and I got some school supplies last night at the store.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My First Lemonade Stand

We had a garage sale and my mom said I could have a lemonade stand. I was sooo excited. (Mom's note: It is 2009, we had a "Flavored Water" stand where people could pick out their own flavor and put it in their water bottle--it was a hit! It brought in over $20).

Here is a picture of me at my lemonade stand. I helped my mom make the sign.

I got to walk around to other garage sales and buy some stuff. This is one thing I bought with my money from the lemonade stand.
(Mom's note: We set up the stand at 10:00am and Mariah was off to play at a friend's house at 11:30am. I guess playing with friends is more fun than making money).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Beach Day

I went to the beach today with my cousins. It was such a nice day.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009


This is my pet turtle. My dad got her for me. She got out of her cage and crawled across my bedroom, so now we have a new cage for her.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

This is a picture of me and my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Eric.

This is me with my Uncle Jon and my new cousin Adelyn. We were at the fireworks. I covered my ears during the fireworks because they were so loud. I liked eating cotton candy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bed Time

Mariah: Mom, the time went past my bedtime right before my eyes. I didn't even see it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beach Day

I caught a frog at the beach today. I named it "Zoe."

Friday, June 5, 2009

I Like to Make a Mess

My mom said it is cleaning day today, but I wanted to play "Confetti" and "Space Ship"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Preschool Graduation

I graduated from preschool today. I am excited for kindergarten next year.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Slide Through Fort

I made this all by myself. I love to make tents with the couch cushions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Mom Doesn't Understand Me

Mariah: Mom, see if you can guess what I am saying (covering her mouth with both hands and mumbling words)

Mom: Ok

Mariah: thaougyhaotuobnarhgotg

Mom: Hmm, what's for dinner?

Mariah: No, guess again. thaoughyhautuobnarhgotg

Mom: Hmm, I like pizza?

Mariah: No, mom, GUESS what I am saying.

Mom: I give up

Mariah: There is an echo in the canyon!

(Mom's edit--holy cow, what was I thinking?! I should have totally guessed THAT!)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Day at Grandma and Papi's

Here is a picture of me and my cousins.

We rode in our car to Grandma and Papi's house. When we got there, Nina and Maya were waiting for me. We drove our Barbie Jeep all around the yard. I drove the Jeep and then Nina got to drive too. We were laughing and bumping up and down. It was so much fun. Then we ate lunch and then watched a Barbie movie and played outside some more. After the movie, we ate pizza. After dinner, we rode in the Jeep again and went on the swings. Then we went home.

The end.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Musical 5 (an original song by Mariah)

"I'm a musical rock star
It's a little musical
It's so pretty
Oh yeah
It's a little loud
It's a little too loud

I'm a little microphone

It's a little bitty oh
It's a little video
It's Mariah on tv

It's Hannah Montana
Yeah, its Hannah Montana

Rock star
Rock star
Rock star

Yeah, she loves it, she loves it, she loves it
Yeah, she loves is yeah, she loves it yeah.

She loves it."

(do a fancy twirl spin, then scream at the top of your lungs!)

*copywritten: mgd

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Birthday Wish

My wish came true!!!
Ambria and I got a Barbie Jeep!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Splashing in Florida

Me and Ambria playing in the pool and cooling off from the hot sun.

The Clothes Dilemma

On the eve of her 5th birthday...


(Mariah proceeds to collapse on the floor with a closet and dresser FULL of clothes, but she keeps insisting that she has NOTHING to wear!! I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sit Still

Ambria won't sit still in an attempt at a conversation.

New Background

Mariah: Mom, I don't like the cupcake background.

Mom: You don't? I think it is really cute.

Mariah: Those cupcakes are NOT cute.

Mom: Ok (looking for new blog backgrounds)

Mariah: Mom, those hearts are sooo adorable. I want that.

Hence...the new background.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Mariah: Mom, I think I am going to have a baby when I get older.

Mom: You are, huh? Why do you say that?

Mariah: (looking down at her belly) Because my belly is starting to get bigger.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Naked Bed

(Mariah's bed sheets and mattress pad were in the washing machine...)

Mariah: Oh no, don't look at my bed. You can see its UNDERWEAR!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday Dinner Menu

(We haven't had very consistent homemade dinners lately, so tonight, Mariah got to choose what she wanted for dinner...)

Mom: Mariah, what do you want for dinner?

Mariah: Pickles, pineapple, and a cheese stick.

Mom: Ok, anything else?

Mariah: Orange juice

(You gotta love her. I guess it is pretty healthy. And she ate it ALL up.)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Night

Mariah: Mom, I wish Ambria didn't learn how to talk.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Night

Mariah: Mom, I'm not going to school tomorrow!

Mom: Hmmm.

Mariah: Oh, and I am going to have french toast sticks for breakfast with orange juice and for lunch I am going to have bologna wrapped around a cheese stick. Ok, good night.

(Added Note from Tuesday Night: Mariah did go to school today)

Friday, January 30, 2009


Mariah: Mom, did you hear what those cookies just said to me?

Mom: No, what?

Mariah: They said that they want me to eat them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Dad

Mariah said she wanted to blog about daddy, she was all excited and said we would have a "Blog Night"....

I like my dad. I like when I can talk to my dad on the phone.

My favorite thing was when I went sledding with daddy. I like going to Chuck E. Cheese with daddy. I like when we go out on SaturDates. I like when me and dad talk together. I like when daddy goes to the store with me.

When my daddy comes home I want to give him a gift bag. Inside the bag, is a doggy made out of a balloon. When he comes home, I want to show him the silly yellow squish ball.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Night at the Pool

On Friday we went to the pool. Janelle, Brianna, Emma, Liam, Owen, Kelly, and Nate were there. Grandma and Papa were there too. I went in the hot tub and then I went in the big, freezing cold pool. Then I went in the really freezing cold pool. Then I went back in the hot tub and it was so warm.

mariah (Mariah typed her own name and is very proud of it)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Quick Thought

"Mom, you should teach Ambria how to keep her drool in her mouth and swallow it."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Partial Conversation

Mom: Mariah, dad is going to be gone for a while
Mariah: Like, he will be home late tonight?
Mom: No, longer
Mariah: Like, late, late, late tonight?
Mom: No, longer
Mariah: Like 3000 years?
Mom: .....

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Every Saturday, I got on a date with my dad. Today I went out for breakfast. I ate blueberry pancakes with sausage. Daddy had some blueberry pancakes too. Then we looked around a store for flowers to buy mom. Dad lost his keys but I helped him find them. Then we went home to show mom her flowers.I took this picture of me and daddy.